A new chapter

Dearest readers... Have you missed me? Bit of Bridgerton there for ya. After a very long break I'm back to doing what I love, blogging. I'm very exited to get back to it and for you to read all the blog post that are coming. The first thing I have done is FINALLY bought a domain for my blog, so you are now reading leahdiana.co.uk (bit easier then putting blogspot in your searches) I have been wanting to do this for soo long so I finally did. The next thing is when I will be posting, a new post should be going up on Mondays at 6.00pm, and if there is no post then I've obviously forgotten oops. The last thing is I want my blog to be very Zoella 2009 - 2018 vibes, as she has inspired me so much to do all this. and is also the main reason I decided I want to blog. I really hope you enjoy this new chapter of Leah Diana and stay to read the next chapter... Lots of Love Leah XO