Christmas Eve routine | BLOGMAS

BLOGMAS DAY 8! The big day is finally here! Im so exited for tomorrow to spend time with my family and I hope you are too. On Christmas Eve I normally wake up at 9 then spend an hour lounging around in bed watching TikToks and go on social media. Once I'm up I'll get changed normally into a Christmas jumper, comfy joggers and some cosy socks. I will come downstairs and my mum will have a bacon sandwich waiting on the table for me and my brother, also on Christmas Eve I'm aloud to open 1 present from my mum and dad and it's normally PJ's and fluffy socks. The afternoon will roll around and during this time I will wrap any last minuets Christmas presents and watch too many Christmas films or listen to my Christmas playlist. I will also face time my friends to wish them a Merry Christmas. Suddenly the evening will come around very quickly and we will normally have a simple tea, I will then help my dad prep for Christmas dinner and then head upstairs to have a nice ...