November Favourites | BLOGMAS

Finally the time has come, I'm so so exited for this month and the blogpost's that are planned. I honestly can't believe it's December this horrid year is nearly over, to kick off Blogmas I though I would do a classic monthly favourites.
Seasonal Scents - Back in September I posted a review on this brand's Halloween products, they came out with there Christmas/Winter range and of course I had to get my hands on them, and oh my gosh how amazing! I highly recommend buying a wax burner just to get some of these wax melts, my room has never smelt so good! 
After we Collided - The next book in the After series by Anna Todd, I love this series of books they always have me wanting to read more. If you know someone who love's a romance novel, this would be a perfect gift.
Gingerbread Candle - My go to scent for Christmas, I've been getting this candle every Christmas for the past 5 years. This big candle is only £2.99 from Home Bargains! This makes my room smell amazing and last all Christmas.
Royal sweet mix - These have been a life save through this lockdown and basically this year, so they deserve a spot on this list. For only £7.99 you can get a 1kg bag of sweets! They have so many different sweets to choose from, so if you have a sweet tooth or know someone who does, get them a bag.
Morph 9V 'Vintage rose' pallet - I love light coloured eyeshadow so this is the perfect pallet for me, my favourite shade is 'Flourish" which is a nice sparkly pink. This pallet only cost £12 and it is worth the money.
Gingerbread syrup - This is the syrup they use in Costa so it was a bit on the expensive side, I LOVE gingerbread hot chocolates and this just means I can enjoy them at home and not have to take a trip out. I always make mine with hot milk, wiped cream and marshmallows, the perfect Winter drink.
There is just a few of my November favourites (I didn't want to bore you on the first day of blogmas) 
Lots of love 
Leah XO


  1. Such a nice Christmas vibe! I bet the candle smells amazing. 💕

    Toma ❄️


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