How to transition into Autumn

I know Autumn isn't for another few weeks but I am already in the Autumn spirit. I love changing my room from light and breezy to warm and cosy. Here are a few ways you can transition into Autumn.

Switch up your wardrobe 

Start drinking seasonal drinks (pumpkin spiced drinks are the best and gingerbread hot chocolates) 

Get them candles and wax mets lit 

Get your hat, gloves and scarf out

BAKE! (Apple pie is great for this time of year, click here to take a look)

Plan for Halloween 

Watch seasonal Youtube videos. I love watching old Zoe Sugg ones

Watch Halloween films, (It's never to early to start watching them, especially Hocus Pocus)

These are just some of the ways to transition into Autumn, if I was to list everything this would be a long post.
Lots of love 
Leah XO


  1. Can’t wait for autumn to come around! So excited for unhealthy amounts of hot chocolates haha!

    Courtney x


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