The best Ginger cookies | BLOGMAS

Being the baker in the family (currently studying it at college just saying) I go OTT with the baking, and the thing I love to bake the most are Ginger cookies. This is my favourite recipe ever and can go along way. (I got this recipe of Bakes by Steph)
You will need:
2-3 baking trays (or one and keep reusing that)
Rolling pin
parchment paper
Christmas cookie cutters
300g Plain flour
125g Self raising flour
125g Sugar
125g Butter
125g Golden syrup
1 egg
2-3 tsp ginger
Icing (optional)
500g Icing sugar 
Few teaspoons of water 
- Preheat your oven to 160 degrees.
- In a bowl pop in your plain flour, self raising flour, ginger and sugar and mix together.
- Next melt your butter down a little so it a bit softer (DO NOT FULLY MELT IT), make a well in the centre of your dry ingredients and add your butter, golden syrup and the egg.
-One all your ingredients are in you want to mix them all together, mix for about 5 minutes or until the ingredients come together as a dough. (You'll know it done when you can roll your dough into a ball)
- Get two pieces of parchment paper and place your dough onto one and cover it up with the other sheet, this is so your dough doesn't stick to the rolling pin, start rolling till your dough is about 1.5cm thick.
-Get your cookie cutter and start cutting out your shapes and place them on your baking tray lined with parchment paper, and let them cook for 12-15 minutes.
- Once out of the oven let them completely cool before doing anything with them.
-If you're icing them add a few teaspoons of water to the icing sugar till you have a pipable consistency or buy some icing pens form ASDA and outline what ever shape you've done. (I think white icing looks the best)
There are your delicious ginger cookies, If your giving them to friends or family or a neighbour get a cute box and place them in, tie it up with some ribbon and they will look perfect.
This was a long post so I'm sorry, please tag me in your photo if you do recreate these with the hashtag #blogwithleah
Blogmas day 4
Lots of love
Leah XO
P.S - Only 4 more blogpost to go!


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