Seasonal scents - Wax melt review

Welcome to my new blog!
I found this little business on Instagram and when I found it, I feel in love with her products. On the 1st September she launched her Autumn range and I had to get my hands on them because they look amazing! She is so so talented and all her products are handmade. Click Here to get your hands on some of the best wax melts ever!
A little bit about Seasonal scents - 'I started my business about 6 months ago, after quitting a job that I wasn’t enjoying. I’ve always been a very creative person, with a passion for home fragrance, so I decided to begin by making candles. This led on to so many more things which I never envisioned achieving but I’m so thankful to be where I am now! I study art & design at college, so along with making all of the products, I also enjoy experimenting with the photography side of things! I’ve particularly enjoyed the autumn range as it’s allowed me to photograph in depth with lots of props!
So I suppose since starting my little business I’ve been able to peruse my passion for photography, as it’s what I’m studying, but also be my own boss, and create artisan products that I also have a real passion for'
Sweater Weather - I am so impressed with this one, the amount of detail that she has put into it is amazing! Also the smell is beautiful. With the blend of sweet amber, orange, sandalwood and patchouli, it's the perfect Autumn scent.
Ghostly Walks - Like Sweater weather the detail is amazing! I can't wait to use this one on Halloween night while watching films and eating sweets. With a sweet and spicy smell this one is sure to get you into the Halloween or Autumn mood.
Pumpkin Spice - When I first saw these I though they where going to be tiny but was I wrong, these cute pumpkin are what you want on a cold day. With Pumpkin, cinnamon and clove its the perfect Autumn scent.
Toffee Apple - With juicy red apple, smooth caramel and sweet vanilla, this sure will make your mouth water. This is so pretty and I love the colours and the smell is just beautiful, it will make you want to eat it. But you know don't
Don't forget to follow Seasonal Scents on Instagram and check out their website.
Lots of Love
Leah XO


  1. great post! these look so cute :)) x

    mills |


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