Things to do in Autumn

Autumn is here yey! Autumn is the season which makes me the happiest and I alway try make the most out of  September, October and November.
Read a good book - There's nothing better then lighting candles, getting into some comfy clothes, having a nice hot drink and reading a book, currently I'm reading the Bridgerton series books But any book with a good story is good for me.
Hang fairy lights in your room - Fairly lights can make your room 10 times more cozy, if you can't have candles in your room at Uni these will make up for them. I get mine from Primark for like £2.50 but they have to be the copper ones,
Watch films - Defiantly one of the best things to do in Autumn, settling down when you can hear the rain on your windows and relaxing. I love to watch movies on Disney Plus especially the princess films and any seasonal ones.
Going on a walk - Where I live I'm lucky I have a lovely little place where I can walk and it's nice and peaceful. I like to grab a hot drink and sausage roll from Greggs, listen to some music and take a nice walk. It's very therapeutic in my opinion.
Baking - Autumn is the best time to bake, you can go all out making cookies, brownies and the best thing to make an apple pie. My gosh apple pie with custard or even cream can make any Autumn day better, don't you think?
Pumpkin picking - A few years ago I went pumpkin picking and it really made me happy and get into the Autumn spirit, if there ever is an event near you, go! You only have to pay for the pumpkins you pick and it's a nice thing to do with family or friends.
Enjoy a Starbucks/Costa - During these time, places like Starbucks and Costa bring out their seasonal drinks and even though they can be expensive it's nice to treat yourself once in a while. I like a gingerbread hot chocolate from costa.
Autumn is the best season in my opinion, don't you agree?.
Lots of love
Leah XO


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